This is a list of notes in this digital garden which are stubs, i.e. don’t have any real content on them, but exist because they have been linked to by other notes. They could be interesting things to think about. These lists are generated by Hugo using the where syntax.
Fifteen words or fewer
- Australia (0 words)
- China (2 words)
- Claude Sonnet (3 words)
- colour (12 words)
- combinatorics (2 words)
- cooking (11 words)
- databases (12 words)
- DigitalOcean (0 words)
- emergence (2 words)
- fluid dynamics (0 words)
- geometry (15 words)
- Hackernews (2 words)
- linear regression (3 words)
- maximum likelihood estimate (0 words)
- mental health (0 words)
- military history (0 words)
- nailbiting (0 words)
- ollama (2 words)
- optimisation problem (0 words)
- OR-tools (14 words)
- patterns (13 words)
- placebo effect (0 words)
- Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands (0 words)
- politics (0 words)
- probability (2 words)
- psychedelics (0 words)
- real and complex analysis (12 words)
- running (2 words)
- self-discipline (0 words)
- self-kindness (0 words)
- self-publishing (11 words)
- sport (13 words)
- stoicism (0 words)
- trees (11 words)
- Typescript (12 words)
- White Teeth (3 words)
Fifty words or fewer (but more than fifteen)
- absolutism (37 words)
- Advent of Code (26 words)
- alcohol (34 words)
- art (32 words)
- atheism (27 words)
- Baader-Meinhof phenomenon (32 words)
- caffeine (33 words)
- calculus of variations (35 words)
- card games (18 words)
- chatGPT (45 words)
- chess (29 words)
- climate change (21 words)
- coffee (36 words)
- cognitive biases (28 words)
- computational complexity (18 words)
- computer science (31 words)
- Conway's Game of Life (33 words)
- cryptography (33 words)
- css (37 words)
- data engineering (47 words)
- data visualisation (25 words)
- design (33 words)
- discrete optimisation (50 words)
- distance metric learning (20 words)
- electrical circuits (34 words)
- emacs bindings (44 words)
- expectation maximisation (22 words)
- Factorio (42 words)
- Firefly (40 words)
- Four Thousand Weeks (44 words)
- Godel, Escher, Bach (47 words)
- Hebrew (32 words)
- Hugo (44 words)
- inspiration (49 words)
- interesting lists (44 words)
- internet (37 words)
- iOS (38 words)
- iPad (49 words)
- Jekyll (39 words)
- Joke Hebrew names (20 words)
- korowal (Hugo theme) (38 words)
- ledger (33 words)
- Lie groups (37 words)
- linear algebra (50 words)
- livecoding (39 words)
- logic (25 words)
- Markov processes (17 words)
- Matrix (35 words)
- mundane examples of the normal distribution (41 words)
- music (41 words)
- musical notation (46 words)
- NLP (21 words)
- notes to work on (24 words)
- number theory (43 words)
- OCaml (35 words)
- online courses (17 words)
- optimising runtime (25 words)
- outliners (35 words)
- P vs NP (19 words)
- perfectionism (27 words)
- photography (27 words)
- poetry (23 words)
- polarisation (20 words)
- quotes (45 words)
- religion (18 words)
- roads (47 words)
- science fiction (31 words)
- scp (28 words)
- Stan (32 words)
- Tensorflow (28 words)
- terminal (24 words)
- time series (17 words)
- topology (17 words)
- UK politics (25 words)
- unsupervised learning (18 words)
- walking in the UK (29 words)
- web development (29 words)
- worldbuilding (26 words)
- writing software (44 words)
One hundred words or fewer (but more than fifty)
- Alfred (59 words)
- algebra (85 words)
- algebraic geometry (61 words)
- birds (69 words)
- blockchain (83 words)
- Blue Mountains (75 words)
- causal inference (55 words)
- cellular automata (92 words)
- classical music (93 words)
- computer algebra systems (88 words)
- death (67 words)
- deep learning (63 words)
- docker (70 words)
- Dwarf Fortress (56 words)
- ECS (81 words)
- elections (89 words)
- Emma Chisit (71 words)
- etymology (51 words)
- Fermi problems (69 words)
- Galois theory (70 words)
- game development (73 words)
- GIS (75 words)
- Go (76 words)
- graph theory (63 words)
- groups (95 words)
- hardware (75 words)
- history (56 words)
- Inspired by Mt. Solitary (92 words)
- integer linear programming (75 words)
- Julia (97 words)
- LaTeX (99 words)
- Lean (73 words)
- learning (53 words)
- literate programming (77 words)
- maps (82 words)
- markdown (66 words)
- meditation (51 words)
- miscellaneous interesting facts (87 words)
- note-taking (80 words)
- Notion (65 words)
- NP-complete problems (61 words)
- Obsidian (82 words)
- OP-1 (60 words)
- philosophy (80 words)
- Poisson processes (70 words)
- principal component analysis (60 words)
- pytorch (80 words)
- quantum computing (97 words)
- React (53 words)
- reducing anxiety (58 words)
- short stories (81 words)
- sorting algorithms (55 words)
- SQL (92 words)
- Sydney (61 words)
- Tel Aviv (54 words)
- Tel Aviv slippery dip database (52 words)
- tensors (54 words)
- The Rust Book (78 words)
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (65 words)
- Things (92 words)
- thought experiments (55 words)
- typesetting (92 words)
- undergraduate subjects (99 words)
- Vercel (56 words)
- Wikipedia (69 words)
- work-life balance (90 words)
More than one hundred words
- 2021 MacBook Pro (226 words)
- A Bigger Picture (456 words)
- A Pattern Language (124 words)
- algorithms (161 words)
- American politics (1093 words)
- analytic number theory (377 words)
- Apple (794 words)
- Apple products I've owned (258 words)
- ARIMA (201 words)
- artificial intelligence (325 words)
- Australian politics (1312 words)
- backups (public) (1108 words)
- Bayesian statistics (457 words)
- Best songs of the 2010s (7064 words)
- Beyond a Boundary (616 words)
- Books (1719 words)
- boolean functions (297 words)
- branch and bound (110 words)
- branch and cut (131 words)
- building a second brain (202 words)
- Call Your Mum (1145 words)
- category theory (203 words)
- cats (763 words)
- Clojure (140 words)
- column generation (101 words)
- computers (160 words)
- concerts (572 words)
- conlangs (175 words)
- cosmic ladder (959 words)
- COVID-19 (127 words)
- cricket (848 words)
- curse of dimensionality (197 words)
- data science (462 words)
- David Berman (555 words)
- David Bowie (318 words)
- decision-experience gap (111 words)
- diagrams from code (268 words)
- digital garden (609 words)
- emacs (787 words)
- emacs configuration (2974 words)
- event horizon telescope (820 words)
- examined life (2715 words)
- expatriate life (1674 words)
- Facebook (441 words)
- films (224 words)
- flow networks (149 words)
- flow state (183 words)
- football (129 words)
- front-end development (198 words)
- functional programming (151 words)
- generalised low rank models (196 words)
- git (252 words)
- Goatcounter (140 words)
- good personal websites (110 words)
- Haskell (189 words)
- hierarchical regression (758 words)
- How to Do Nothing (524 words)
- hugo-book theme (126 words)
- Iceland (656 words)
- independent web (191 words)
- indie rock (143 words)
- inequality (113 words)
- Infinite Jest (133 words)
- injury (1213 words)
- interests (268 words)
- isotonic regression (116 words)
- Israeli politics (1306 words)
- k-means clustering (214 words)
- large language models (430 words)
- life list (176 words)
- linguistics (276 words)
- Lisp (313 words)
- logseq (206 words)
- Lost Connections (571 words)
- lsp-mode (174 words)
- M1 MacBook Air (533 words)
- machine learning (135 words)
- macOS software (344 words)
- mathematics (375 words)
- miscellaneous articles (914 words)
- modules over a ring (1729 words)
- Monte Carlo methods (105 words)
- Mt. Solitary stack (1264 words)
- multilevel regression with poststratification (319 words)
- My org mode setup (2787 words)
- my PhD thesis (796 words)
- neural networks (113 words)
- new music (441 words)
- news (728 words)
- Nix (132 words)
- note-taking software (325 words)
- online privacy (230 words)
- org babel (120 words)
- org mode (185 words)
- org roam (194 words)
- parenting (1290 words)
- personal finance tracker (792 words)
- physics (182 words)
- piano (150 words)
- planes (619 words)
- playlist project (8759 words)
- poems (423 words)
- productivity (339 words)
- programming (153 words)
- programming languages (214 words)
- projects (716 words)
- psychotherapy (578 words)
- Puff Piece (132 words)
- Python (140 words)
- pyton (134 words)
- Radiohead (111 words)
- reclaiming attention (236 words)
- Reinforcement learning (1935 words)
- relationships with others (707 words)
- Religion for Atheists (595 words)
- representation theory (179 words)
- rules to live by (576 words)
- Rust (309 words)
- sleep (514 words)
- snow (599 words)
- social mobility (746 words)
- software engineering (112 words)
- Star Trek TOS Pilot - The Cage (782 words)
- Statistical Rethinking (448 words)
- statistics (191 words)
- street names (587 words)
- synthesisers (103 words)
- The Fifth Season (436 words)
- time tracking (232 words)
- Tolkien (118 words)
- Tony Harrison (613 words)
- trendy scraper (160 words)
- TV shows (245 words)
- Twitter (172 words)
- unix pipes (101 words)
- video games (138 words)
- walking (180 words)
- War and Peace (1239 words)
- wine (163 words)
- writing (179 words)
- writing fiction (159 words)
- Zettelkasten (689 words)
- zsh (133 words)