Diagrams from code #
I really like the idea of generating diagrams from code.
PlantUML #
PlantUML is a nice way to draw class diagrams from plain text, for example:
skinparam monochrome true
Person <|-- Man
Person <|-- Woman
Person : name
Person : getPhoneNumber()
Woman : dress
Man : trousers

Installation #
It’s fairly straightforward to get the installation working, and then you can embed PlantUML code as org babel blocks in org mode and generate them with C-c C-c
like any code block.
You need to
brew install graphviz
You need to download the PlantUML JAR from this site
You need to place this JAR in a location of your choice and set
(setq org-plantuml-jar-path ( expand-file-name "/Users/clinton/.emacs.d/plantuml.jar"))
Mermaid #
Mermaid seems to be the most mature of these tools. It is Javascript though. It has a pretty Markdown-like syntax. There’s also an emacs package ob-mermaid which allows you to insert diagrams using org babel.
Installation #
First install Mermaid using npm
, the node package manager (which you can install with brew
if you dont have it). Tested on an M1 MacBook Air running MacOS Big Sur.
brew install npm
npm install -g mermaid.cli
And then run M-x package-install ob-mermaid
and in your init.el
add lines
(use-package ob-mermaid)
(setq ob-mermaid-cli-path "/opt/homebrew/bin/mmdc")
Now you can generate nice diagrams:
A-->B: Works!

TikZ #
Tikz is the way to create diagrams in \(\LaTeX\). It’s extremely complicated and extremely powerful. I used it all the time to write my PhD thesis but have barely touched it since.
Links and resources #
- Monodraw seems like an interesting ASCII diagramming tool.