lsp-mode #
lsp-mode is a package for emacs that implements a porcelain over the Language Server Protocol.
I have tried a few times to get lsp-mode working the way I want and I keep getting frustrated with it and going back to other tools, which I then get even more frustrated with. I definitely think it’s worth investing time in making the tool mine, which emacs is perfect for.
Making an emacs configuration for an extremely fast Python IDE #
This is a list of things I really want in my lsp-mode setup. I will keep this section updated as I slowly figure out how to do all of these things.
- Terminal at the bottom, switch with a single command
- Jump to definition and reference
- Quick search in project
- pyenv support
- Run tests
- “Run configurations”
- Black support
- Debugger
- Magit
- A constant window setup
- (A tree view with icons - do I actually want this?)
eglot #
eglot sounds like a better implementation of an LSP porcelain. I need to try it out some day.